10:00 PM

Happy Birthday Abang A-deen!

Today is Aydin's 3rd Birthday. He woke up early than usual as if knowing that today is his birthday. We had a pre-birthday celebration in Subang on Eidul Adha with my carrot cake + cream cheese topping ordered by beloved mum. Aydin has been singing his birthday song ever since.

Aydin's version of Happy Birthday: "et-tay to yooo.. et-tay to yooo.. et-tay to abang a-deen.. et-tay to yooo... *fuuuhh-fuuuh* (blow the candles)".

He was also singing this song the whole day today. I am on leave till Friday and decided to bake Aydin a special birthday cake. The last time i baked him a whole cake was for his 1st birthday; a football field with football players. I didn't bake any for his 2nd birthday because i was already carrying Arif at 7 mths pregnant. Aydin was into Wall-e where he calls it "obot" and also Bean but i don't think i can do Bean. Obot looks easier. I was thinking of baking the 3-D Wall-e but i didn't have a square pan (and besides sapa nak makan kek besar in a household of 3 adults and 2 kids?) So Wall-e it was... peanut butter and choc buttercream icing. Buttercream extra pulak so end up with 2 colors je la: choc and blue :)

The story behind the cake baking... It took me HOURS to make ONE cake. Definitely takleh buat bisnes cake. Anyway, tengah buat kek Aydin wanted to watch Cars la then change to Bob the builder la.. and tak sampai 10 mins change back to Cars la. Luckily Wall-E dvd rosak. Then Arif nak milk la... then Arif wants to be cuddled la. Hence the HOURS. While icing the cake, tengah syiok tonggek2 main icing, Aydin came and pushed my bootie. Dah tersenget "A" then while attempting a steady hand gedebush... senget "N". Wall-E's eyes pun senget. Sampai Ayah balik rumah kek baru siap icing and all. Sigh!

Whatever it is, I am happy i made Aydin's birthday cake. Gave some to the neighbours cos it was a big 9" round cake. It tasted ok despite using the recipe for cupcakes. I hope the neighbours like it too. I am getting better in piping a flower design on a cake. Still learning to make a good buttercream icing batter. I am also planning to have a small birthday do for Aydin. We haven't got him a pressie yet...

Haa... cerita present Aydin pulak. He always wanted a bicycle so we went to a bicycle shop in Seri Putra to get him a new bicycle (i know i have been talking about getting him one in previous blogs :)). Sampai2 and asked him to try out the bike, dia takut pulak! Sudah! I don't know why but he didn't want it. So we didn't get him one yet. We'll see and try again tomorrow.

Later, we celebrated Aydin's birthday with our small family. Time tu la all the batteries ran out. Video cam pun dead and still camera ada 1/4 battery je. I thought i saw 3/4 left. So, we got few seconds of video shot using the still camera of Aydin blowing his candles. Believe it or not, Aydin was malu to sing and celebrate his birthday. He didn't want to stand with his cake and buat2 tengok commercials on tv... funny! We practically had to carry him and made him stand next to the cake. I managed to get few shots of him with the cake without flash cos takut battery out LoL.

Happy 3rd Birthday Abang Aydin. We love you!!