It has been 3 days of Ramadhan and Alhamdulillah i have survived 3 days of dugaan as a nursing mum. Truthfully, being a full-time nursing mum on top of my regular full-time job is a taxing. I almost gave up yesterday when my second pumping session only gave me 1/3 of my normal session. I was terrified that i could not make up what Arif is drinking . I must admit though that my freezer is almost full and i am running out of storage bottles. Psychologically i am just afraid that Arif will not get enough and my stocks will not last long. I think i should make a point to take a shot of my freezer and share it with you guys. Hopefully i will gain back my confidence.
Anyway... I have a very touching real life story to share of a friend who cheated death after giving birth to her second child, Aleena at 34 weeks. I had tears in my eyes after reading her story. This is just an example of a Mother's Love and Sacrifice. I salute her for her strength and courage to go through this ordeal. This shows that Allah is the Almighty and like the old Malay saying, "Hidup dan mati di tangan Tuhan." This also remind us to be thankful to the Almighty and appreciate our precious ones. Thanks k.mus for giving me the opportunity to share your story with others.

Aleena birth was difficult and serious that we could ever anticipated. i had to undergo 2 surgeries for aleena's birth. It almost costs my life. in the end, i lost my uterus. i could not believe at first and was sad, but can accept it and ok now. cuz it is worth the sacrifice when i see her. :)
fyi, i was hospitalized (total bedrest) at the hospital for 4 weeks prior to the delivery. i had placenta previa (placenta totally covers my cervix). i was admitted since i was bleeding at 30 weeks gestation. but it was not heavy and it stopped after couple of days alhamdulillah. but doctor decided to put me on total bedrest at the hospital since it was dangerous to me and baby. At 34 weeks (on 8/5/08), i was bleeding again but this time it was serious and heavy. so doctor decided to deliver me. since i lost lots of blood, they had me on general anesthetic for the csection. i had 2 bags of blood transfusion during the surgery. the surgery went well and Aleena was born healthy, alhamdulillah. however, she was wheeled to NICU (noenatal intensive care unit) since she was born early and for further check up. and i was wheeled to the recovery room. (i did not even get a chance to see her.) at the recovery room, i was ok in the beginning. but later i was hemorrhaging. Hubby said, the blood was like a waterfall coming out of my vagina. at this time my blood count dropped to 7. (normal person is 12 - 15). since i lost a lot of blood, doc wheeled me again to operation room (OR). Doctor told Hubby that they had to do a 2nd surgery on me to remove my uterus to save my life. (apparently, my previa became placenta percreta, where placenta attaches itself through the uterus and uterus cannot be saved.) doc removed the placenta as much as she could and tried to save my uterus during the first surgery but since there were still a little bit left in the uterus, that caused a problem. so here i was again, in the OR for the 2nd time that day. they put me another 3 bags of blood during this sugery. so doc had to remove my uterus. but left the ovary and fallopian tube intact. the surgery went well. but i was wheeled to SICU (surgical intensive care unit) that nite so that they can monitor me closely. i was so weak after the surgeries. talking was hard too. Hubby said he never felt so scared in his life and felt that one hour surgery (2nd surgery) was the longest hour of his life. we were so emotional throughout this ordeal but very very thankful that everything at least was ok alhamdulilah. harris at this time, was taken care of by kak cah (our friend). poor him. he was asking for mommy and daddy according to kak cah. but was ok overall. playing and eating well with k.cah's daughter. i was even more emotional when i think of him. i missed him though at that time.
the next day, i was stable. but my body was swollen due to the IV that was put in my body during the surgeries. pain was unbelievable and i had gas pain too. i took pain killer every hour. around 3pm (8/6/08), i was discharged from the SICU to mother and baby room. but i was still in so much pain. still could not see Aleena. but nurses took a picture of her and put it next to my bed. that was nice. :) during this recovery they still monitored my blood count. however, my blood count was dropping. at the SICU it was 10.9. but later went down to 7.7. doc afraid there might be an internal bleeding. if that is so, they had to do another surgery on me. we were worried already. i was really sad cuz i didnt think that i could go through another surgery. at this time, i was so down and really worried. Hubby even more so. i hv never seen him so worried. so they scheduled me for a cat scan to see wht's going on inside my tummy on 8/7/08. but alhamdulillah no internal bleeding. the hematologist explained that my blood was so diluted that my blood count dropped. but they added another 2 bags of blood for precaution and told me that by peeing a lot helps the blood count to be normal again. they also stopped the IV that day. (by the time i was discharged on sat (8/9/08), my blood count was 11.9 alhamdulillah.)I got to see Aleena that evening on 8/7/08. the nurse wheeled me to the NICU. she was in the incubator and very tiny. i was so scared to hold her. at this time, Hubby is more comfortable with her since he's been feeding her while i cant. when i first looked at her, i could not help but had few tears in my eyes. i felt happy that she is all healthy and beautiful and it's worth the sacrifice that i had to go through. i love her right away. she is our little warrior. even though she was born 6 weeks early, she is breathing on her own and drinking very good. for harris, i got to see him on 8/8/08. i missed him so so so much by then. and him too. i am a bit emotional when i think of him since i was not there for him for 4 weeks b4 delivery and now i have aleena to take care of. but alhamdulillah. things are ok now. he is very good so far with his sister. always wanting to give her a kiss and give big hugs. :)
i also managed to talk to my family during the recovery. they were all worried. we cried when we talked. but thankful things are ok now. :)i am happy that things are normal alhamdulillah and i am home now. (i missed home too you know.) we are so thankful and grateful to Allah SWT that we have our little family. and have each other. and could not ask for more. :)
K.Mus, have a speedy recovery and take care.
To all my friends out there, let's love and appreciate our loved ones: mum, dad, sisters, brothers, husband and kids. Allahu-Akbar!
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