10:10 PM

Aydin needs a bicycle.

Aydin has been eye-ing for a bicycle. He had always wanted to go to the neighbours' because there are bicycles there. Today, i brought him to the playground to play on the slides and meet up some friends his age. There were a few bicycles there and he got excited. He saw an older boy on a bicycle and he tried chasing the boy. Poor Aydin was running all his might and the boy kept on cycling faster and faster. Aydin was trying to catch him and called out "Abang! Abang!" but the boy did not stop but instead he cycled faster and further and further away. Being a "Mak Rimau" as some calls me, i was trying not to be defensive and blame the boy but it breaks my heart to see Aydin trying to make friends and chase the bicycle. I think this is how mothers feel when they find out that their kid was being bullied. It was no big deal really but i just can't help but pity Aydin. Why can't the boy just stop and play with him for a while instead of making him run and chase him all around the playground? Sigh... "Mak Rimau" is upset.

Note to self: Will get Aydin a bicycle soon..


kaezrin said...

when khilfi was at Aydin age he was obsessed with one too..these days his bicycle kind of abandoned already sibuk berlari kesana sini ajer...letih nak kejar tak kurus jugak mak dier.. :P

Unknown said...

hey babe... don't be mak rimau laaa... that's how kids 'play'!they run (in this case cycled away) when they are being chased... go and get him a bike!

Ratu the Rats said...

Ezlin, jual je la basikal tu kat i. Takyah i beli mahal2 and end up jadi tukun nanti.

Nurms, i am just a typical KPC so once a Mak Rimau, will always be a Mak Rimau ;)