10:03 AM

Night Waking

It is another sleepness night for mummy. I have been trying to train Arif to sleep through the night but at the rate we are going, i see another 6 months of zombie-ness until Arif is fully trained. It was not very difficult to train Aydin the last time probably because Aydin was introduced to formula earlier hence he was quite full prior to bedtime. It is known that breastmilk dissolves faster thus making the baby crave for more feeding compared to formula-fed babies. We have introduced formula to Arif but he feeds directly from me whenever i am around (which is quite often lately). I still have plenty of BM to supply and it hurts when i try to skip the usual pumping session at work/feeding session at home. i get all engorged and cautious because i am afraid it will leak again when i am not noticing.

I think i am going to opt for CIO (Crying it out) as plan B. The soothing method is definitely not working when you are all by yourself. It could work for some if you have someone else to take the baby away from you whenever they cry. It is difficult when the nursing mother is trying to soothe the baby herself because bub knows you are refusing his/her feeding. The problem with Arif is he will throw his body backwards to show tantrum. If i am not careful on his 'position', he will knock his head hard on the headboard (which happened several times). There are also possibilities of him falling of the bed because he will keep on throwing himself until he gets what he wants. i am getting tired of trying to soothe him by patting him butt or jumping off the bed hoping to "catch" him whenever he throws himself. This usually lasts for atleast 30mins per session. And we are talking about SESSIONS so go figure how much of sleep i have been getting for the past 1 year. I have never slept more than 2 hours straight without any interruption. How i wish i can get away from all this and do what i used to do best, SLEEP!

Anyone has any plans to go abroad for shopping spree? Please count me in :)