We took Aydin for casting over the weekend. Thanks to Uncle Shahrul who informed us of the opportunity. It was held in one of the bungalows in Jalan Semarak. I was told to 'train' Aydin how to draw a triangle and to say the word "Segi Tiga" as it is for a BM TV Commercial. So that was what i did the night before.
So we brought him to the casting place, all looking handsome and neat in his Thomas & Friends red long sleeve shirt hoping that it will bring out 'The Look" in him. I had to sit with Aydin at a small table on the floor and guide him to draw the triangle with a crayon while a lady was recording it. Guess what he did? He scribbled then threw the crayons everywhere and laughed! When we asked him to say "Segi Tiga" he looked at me and ask "Ayah?". Sigh... Ayah came and took over and still he was not "performing". So that was it, we failed the casting miserably. The lady in charge said it was OK and let's take his profile next. She asked Aydin to stand and smile to the camera. The excited mummy was trying to get his attention and trying to make Aydin give his best pose. The best pose it was: the whole body facing the wall ala-ala Spiderman and turned to look at the camera. Ada la gaya the next most wanted eligible bachelor in the making. We ended up with no profile picture as well. There goes Anmum TVC out the window... kabushh! And to add salt to mummy's wound, Aydin repeatedly said "Segi tiga" in the car all the way home.
Talk about the most wanted eligible bachelor in the making, something amusing happened at the kindy recently. It was my turn to send Aydin off to school. This time he said bye to me the moment we entered the gate. We didn't even get to the door and he has shoo-ed me away? As usual the soccermum wanna-be and a potential embarassment to Aydin in near future, i walked him to the door and made him hug and kiss me in front of everyone! Yea, why not? I am just trying to instill the mother-son bonding in him so that was what i got LoL He is only 3 and he already knows when to shoos his mum away. I could not imagine what will happened when he is a teenager.
Then to add icing on the cake, i saw 3-4 girls coming to Aydin as soon as he entered the school. I think they are around 5-6 year old girls. 1 girl came to take Aydin's back pack away and put it at the designated area. Another girl then took Aydin's hand and trying to lead him to the group, i think. Then another one or two girls came to give Aydin kisses on the cheek. Check that out! Aydin already has a fan club of his own!! and he is only 3 LoL Sigh, soon we will be getting calls from girls on the house phone asking to speak to Aydin.
At last a little breather for me... My online store Mum's and Such is up and running. We had our first customer on the first day of the 'launch' and have had few enquiries too. So i hope this is a good sign. Probably a couple of C.O.Ds this weekend, Alhamdulillah.
Aydin is having a minor 'problem' in school. The principal told us that Aydin is still having problem staying in a group. She said we might want to try and do a check-up just to make sure everything is fine. Yes, i am aware that Aydin has social skills problem but i thought by sending him to a kindy would help. I guess we will need to take one thing at a time. He is not violent or any sort it is just that he does not know how to socialize with other kids his age. He thinks hitting other kids is fun though i have tried explaining to him that it is not right to do so. I have read alot on this and am still trying different approach. We brought him to a pediatrician just to get an opinion. The ped has ruled out autism because Aydin has no problem interacting and speaking. He probably has a little problem with hyperactivity where his energy level is always at high. Anyway, we're taking him to see a child psychologist this Sunday just to get the expert's opinion on how to tackle this problem. I think it is more on the parents to learn how to exercise the right skills and gift that Aydin has. So far after 1 month of kindy, he improves alot on his speech and he know the phonics of every letters! I am so proud of him though sometimes it can be a pain whenever he repeats everything that you say or do ;)
As for Arif, he can speak more syllables though one at a time. I am teaching how to say 'Milk' without giving him the boobies :) Everytime i say milk, he will reach out for the boobies! So now whenever i hear him mumbles 'mmm...' i will say 'Milk' and he will repeat 'Milk', yeay!! Then everytime he sees me and ask me to take him he will either say 'Mak' or 'Tuk' which i assume means 'Mummy'? LoL oklaa for one syllable 'Mak' = 'Mummy' aight? He can also stand and let go off his hands for few seconds to reach the other side. He has not cut his first tooth yet and i have not seen any pearly white on the lower gum (or i am just blind...). I saw a couple though on the upper gum but shouldn't the lower ones cut through before the upper ones? He is turning 1 in a month but no tooth and no walk yet. I have no problem with this as Aydin was a late bloomer as well. I think it is time to plan for Arif's first birthday.
Oooh, guess what? Hubby has agreed to go for a short holiday in Langkawi with Rena in March... yeay!! I had to declined Ezu's invitation to shop till we drop in Bangkok because Arif will tire and drop us BEFORE we get to shop in Bangkok. I am still putting the plan to go for Girly holiday on hold too just to make sure i have weaned Arif properly before i leave him behind. So this Langkawi trip is a so look forward event for now. I get to do alot in this one trip: spend time with family, spend time with good friend and also shop!! I have to start saving for this trip not that sempat to save but hey, it is better than nothing right? We plan to take up a promo voucher to stay at Awana unless my girlfriend, Rena finds some other better deal. Rena is just being kiasu and all... ain't we all? I hope we get to do other tourist-y thing too in Langkawi besides the main agenda: Shopping *evil grin* (please don't tell hubby this or he will cancel the trip).
I just got a couple of soap samples from a colleague. His wife is selling home-made soaps and i love them!! Some colleagues and i are trying to get her sell some to us. I really want to try the coffee and cotton and grapefruit and... didn't i just say i wanted to save for the Langkawi trip??? Dang!!
Oopsie... it's time to do the boobies thing now.
I have been busy designing and strategizing my new online store: mumsandsuch.blogspot.com. As you noticed, this blog has a different feel as well. While looking for a nice template for my new online store, i thought i might as well give this blog a facelift ;) How do you like it? Don't be surprise if i change the feel again the next time you visit because i can get really experimental.
Why an online store? It has been my passion to sell quality and affordable items for both mums and their babes but due to some restrictions in my current career, i had to find a work around it. Then Dad came home after 3 months from Jeddah. He brought back some nice and affordable tudungs and Mothercare clothings so i said why not make it a family business. Ezu has started her Purple-peppermint so why not i start Mum's and Such. I was so inspired by some other WAHMs (Work-at-home-mums) and Ezu so i got it started. I will try and source out some other cool and nice things for both mums and babes and will surely update it when it is finalize. I hope this is just not one of the saying "Hangat-hangat tahi ayam" (direct translation : hot hot chicken shit). Please pray for my success... and do not forget to drop by my humble on-line store: mumsandsuch.blogspot.com.
p/s: Thanks Ezu for promoting 'our family business' ;)
Adios amigos!
Labels: Mum's and Such, Purple-peppermint.
Last week was a very chaotic week for me. Aydin came back with a long scratch on his face resulted from a small 'disagreement' with another kid. Apparently he wanted to check out a toy gun somebody brought to school and the boy refused to give it to him. I do not know the actual scenario so i guess (from the usual observation when kids fight for toys) the were fighting for it and the toy gun accidentally scratches Aydin's face. I was shocked to see the long vertical scratch on his face when he greeted me at the door. So, mummy called teacher AGAIN to know if Aydin was bullying other kids. Alhamdulillah the teacher told me so far Aydin never initiates a quarrel but he still needs improvement in the "social" department or so she said...
The whole week of stressed caused me quite a number of hiccups. I went to a birthday party on Sunday later to find out that the party is supposed to be this coming Sunday (duuh!). We drove all the way to PJ on a SUNDAY just to find out that i screwed up the dates. Hubby was upset and i got the silent treatment tee-hee!
Then, i accidentally topped up a half-filled bottle of breastmilk in the mother's room fridge thinking it was mine. The 2 bottles looked exactly like mine (as if i sorang je la yang ada momslittleones bottles...) located at the usual place i keep my bottles (we have a mutual understanding on who stores where in the fridge) and it looked like my usual amount of milk except that there were TWO half-filled bottles ( i usually top-up whenever i can). Later to find out that those bottles were missing in the evening (before i left the office) and panicked. I called always every mums that i know but could not figure out the 'mystery'. Sageetha called me the next day and i spoke to another mum, Fadhillah apparently the OWNER of the 2 half-filled bottles. Shite! My mind was so screwed up and i topped up some body else's bottle? Hers is a daughter and mine is a son! Luckily it was only 1 oz. so we figured it was ok. The rule to become ibu susuan is kenyang 7 kali kan? So halalkan saja laa 1 oz tu because it was already at the nursery. Aiyaya...
Yesterday i was at Prince Court Medical Center for my endoscopy procedure. I had to fast from the night before and they made me "clear" my bowel with this yucky-salty solution. I had to go to the loo almost 10 times (it could have been more if i didn't try to hold it hahaha...). The interior of the hospital looks like a hotel but the rest is just a typical hospital. They sedated me and i passed out and the next thing i know i was back in the waiting room. I was anticipating the whole "watch what i do in that big screen" thing but... i guess i can just watch it on the CD they gave me. Alhamdulillah everything is good except for the gastric acid.
Later last night, a friend IM'ed me on facebook telling me that she knows the mother of the girl who got hit on the head by Aydin's block. The teacher told me that Aydin was throwing blocks and accidentally hit a little girl's head but what she failed to informed me was the girl got stitches from it! I ask for the mother's number from this friend and straight away called her today to apologize. I mean what would you do if the little girl is yours? Sigh, i feel sooooo bad and i know a simple phone call to apologize is not enough but Aydin is just a kid. All this happened in his 1st week of school. I wonder what else to expect in 1 year? Hubby said he would put the blame on the teachers if he was the parent. Kids do simple mistakes and teachers are meant to educate and ensure that everyone behaves. He is probably right.
Now does all this explain the chaos in my life? I hope to have a somewhat simpler and peaceful life soon... which i think is a bit impossible when you have younger kids at home ;) Let's do retail therapy... yeay!!

Labels: thelilcaliph, Trunki
Not much change on Day 3 except today we used a different approach. No more teacher car in the morning as we have decided to save everyone's time by sending Aydin to school ourselves. Today was Ayah's turn. I had enough of screaming and crying episodes from Aydin. Called hubby for status update after he sent Aydin off and it looked like Day 3 is the same as Day 2. Sigh... i wonder how long do we have to endure all this madness and chaos.
Earlier in the morning, Aydin came into my room when i was getting ready for work. He was all cute and handsome in his school uniform wandering around the room probably trying to figure out what to touch to make mummy scream. Then he stood in front of our full length wardrobe mirror, rubbig his tummy and said "abang a-deen hung-wey". I was shocked! I thought he has finally figured how to tell us that he is hungry. My excitement was short lived when later he said "O-oh... erk-erk" (translate = either poo-poo or just passing wind). So afraid that he was actually hungry, i went straight down to make him a brekkie: egg in-a-hole (egg fried in a bread hole). Then 10 mins later, "abang deen sakit utat" (translate = abang aydin sakit pusat. Which usually means sakit perut). Mummy dah confused! Brekkie tapau masuk fridge for after school snack and i told bibik to rub some minyak angin on his tumm-tumm and i continued getting ready for work. Aydin... Aydin...
Post day 3: while i was preparing his bag for Day 4, Aydin said "Mummy, teacher car". So my usual answer just to acknowledge and 'interact' with him i said, "yes, teacher car tapi tadi Aydin tak nak naik teacher car pun". Then he said, "Teacher car utak" (translate = Teacher's car rosak). Please refer to yesterday's blog to understand this statement ;) I laughed out aloud and hubby had a smile on his face (note: Hubby has problem understanding my amusement most of the time so a smile is a good sign). This means Aydin remembers what happened yesterday. Teacher told me that Aydin is a fast learner. He just need to be taught once and he will absorbed it most of the time like a sponge. I noticed this as well but didn't think it was very obvious.
So, that's the story of Day 3. I shall blog more on Aydin for the next few weeks if there are anything amusing worth sharing. Good night!!
Second day of school is worse than the first. Aydin was ready by 8 a.m as the teacher was supposed to pick him up by then. I thought teacher would have managed her time and route properly since she had done her rounds yeaterday but NOOOooo... she came at 9 a.m and i was already late for work. While waiting Aydin insisted that we took a "morning walk" and check out the neighbours.
The moment the teacher arrived, Aydin refused to get into the car... AGAIN! The next thing you know, teacher's car ran out of gas. So much for time AND gas management. She had 2 other kids in the car. I just don't know what else to expect. I ended up as ad-hoc soccermum and transported 3 kids (including Aydin) to school. On the way to school, Aydin was happily singing along his Yusoff Islam's Ramadhan Moon CD. The next thing you know, Aydin hit the other boy on his face and he cried!! I was just afraid that the boy will retaliate so i quickly tried to console him WHILE driving. The boys were in the back seat without the seatbelts but hey... i can leave without another stress matter trying to make them wear the seatbelts. Anyway, luckily the trip was barely 10 mins and i managed to "unload" everyone safely.
This time Aydin is cleverer than yesterday. He held onto my hand like i was going to sprint off any second (which was my initial plan tee-hee). I had to sit next to him until he was comfortable which unfortunately he never got comfortable. We had a drama session where i had to let him scream and cry while i walked away and drove off. It hurts to see him scream and cry out for you but hey, i had to do it. He has to be strong and learn to be independent. It's either now or never and i cannot always be there for him all the time. I hope things will work out soon or i will have to change my working hours :p
Anyway, let's talk about what happened yesterday and get some relief for a while. Aydin came home alright but the moment he stepped into the house, he cried and was frantically looking for the parents. Luckily i called to check on him and he was comforted by my voice. The power of being a mother :) Later when i came home in the evening, he greeted me at the door and hugged me. Guess what he said? "Assamekom mummy" I was ecstatic. He learnt all this in his first day? I almost announced it to the whole world! That made my day.
We will see what will happen tomorrow pulak. I told hubby to take his turn tomorrow because i couldn't afford another stressful event and be late for work. Sigh...
Psst-psst... i am back! In the office and blogging (not that i am a serious blogger pffth..).
Let's recap what has happened in December:
1. 24th December 2008 - a very important date indeed because it was the first time Aydin started calling me MUMMY instead of the usual ammie. yeay for Aydin!
2. Aydin continues with TIDOQ (tidur in BM) instead of the usual word 'sleep'. This is the aftermath of in-laws in the house for 1 week. Luckily the word 'Aiyaq' (water in BM) lasted only for a day in Alor Setar.
3. Aydin went for his Montessori 2-days orientation. It was difficult at first. He didn't want to go inside the class and was crying when we wanted to leave him: "Mummy cryyy!!". Then when he was playing with some new friends, hubby and i left. We went to a nearby mamak for breakfast and went back to the kindy to check on him. Guess where he was when we arrive an hour later? The moment we parked the car i can see Aydin crying looking for mummy and Ayah at the front gate of the kindy. There was a teacher assistant who was with him. She locked the gate because Aydin was trying to run out of the compound. So i went inside and comforted him for a while. After about 1/2 hour or so, i sneaked out again and came back for him at 12.30p.m. The teacher said he was o.k after that. Day-2 was better because he did not cry. He was just looking for the parents and joined some of the activities.
argh.. i lost track of what i wanted to blog for more happenings in December.
The Guys
Anyway, we were in Genting Highlands for our so-called family holiday. It wasn't really a HOLIDAY as Aydin was really giving us a hard time. He was cranky and full of mishieves throughout our stay there. I ended up playing the kiddy rides and no roller-coaster (nama pun mak budak kan?). Aydin enjoyed the Snowworld and asked for more. He enjoyed playing with the fake snow and i can really tell you the snow was not white. It was more of... 'dirty snow'. Anyway, how can we compare the real snow to the man-made snow. The power of God the Al-mighty. Aydin learnt a new word: "Cho-man" as in Snowman ;) and "Cho" as in Snow. He also learnt another way of calling mummy which is "mummy-aa" (exactly the way the Chinese kids say it) I think he got it from queueing up with the kids and it is really annoying when he keeps repeating it.
AND today is Aydin's first official day at school and my first day at work after a long holiday. I couldn't sleep well because Arif kept waking up and suckling on my boobies. I ended up wetting the bed and bolster with my mcBoobies. Aydin was so cranky this morning because he had to wake up early for school. He was already ready by 8a.m but the teacher was late. By the time the teacher arrive to pick him up, he didn't want to enter the teacher's car. We tried but he refused so i ended up sending him to school. Stayed with him for 5 mins and sneaked out when he was not aware. I hope he is doing alright. It is almost 3.30p.m and i will be calling home soon to check out on him. I really hope tomorrow will not be another drama.