1:45 PM

The Birth of Mum's and Such

I have been busy designing and strategizing my new online store: mumsandsuch.blogspot.com. As you noticed, this blog has a different feel as well. While looking for a nice template for my new online store, i thought i might as well give this blog a facelift ;) How do you like it? Don't be surprise if i change the feel again the next time you visit because i can get really experimental.

Why an online store? It has been my passion to sell quality and affordable items for both mums and their babes but due to some restrictions in my current career, i had to find a work around it. Then Dad came home after 3 months from Jeddah. He brought back some nice and affordable tudungs and Mothercare clothings so i said why not make it a family business. Ezu has started her Purple-peppermint so why not i start Mum's and Such. I was so inspired by some other WAHMs (Work-at-home-mums) and Ezu so i got it started. I will try and source out some other cool and nice things for both mums and babes and will surely update it when it is finalize. I hope this is just not one of the saying "Hangat-hangat tahi ayam" (direct translation : hot hot chicken shit). Please pray for my success... and do not forget to drop by my humble on-line store: mumsandsuch.blogspot.com.

p/s: Thanks Ezu for promoting 'our family business' ;)

Adios amigos!